Journey to
How I started on this Journey.
I married and had kids very young and divorced young. I like most others worked all the time taking care of the kids.
But that is not where my story of Finding Me starts. It actually starts years later.
I worked for the same company for a bit over 26 yrs. I worked very hard and was dedicated to the company the whole time. But with new management comes change. After all that time and dedication I was let go.
This put me in a deep depression. Something I never thought would happen to me. I didn’t even realize it for a very long time. It took me over 2 1/2 years before I started to come out of it.
Once I started to come out of it I started wondering what am I going to do ?
I always knew what to do before when I was working, like everyone else….. get up go to work come home do the normal things at home then get ready to start another day. And the rut starts but it’s normal.
Now as I’m coming back around I find myself out of that daily rut/grind.
But I don’t know what I want to do !
So I start thinking about what has happened, finally realizing how depressed I was, I know there are many different forms of depression. Mine was, I just didn’t want to do anything or go anywhere. I stayed in my bedroom most of the time, limited going anywhere unless I had to. Like grocery store etc.
Thankfully I was never in a depressed state where I thought of hurting myself or committing suicide. Those things never entered my mind. Depression is a strange thing most of us don’t understand or like me think I will never get depressed. Seems it found me overnight without warning and took a long time to get over. But I’m lucky I’m getting over it. Getting better everyday.
Once I was able to think clearly, I decided to start doing the things I always wanted to do. For Now they will be things I can do at home.
A few years ago I built a work shop at my house. I bought a wood lathe I always wanted. Now I want to see what I can create with it. But I have so many other things I want to do and will be sharing them here on this blog. I will post videos of the things I’m doing and any of the adventures I go on in ” The Journey of Finding Me ” I hope you will follow me on this Journey and hope it will inspire you and others to start their ” Journey of Finding Me “
I’m starting this blog to document my Journey and hope it will help or inspire others to find themselves.
I have heard many times, you can be married to someone for years then one day you start thinking about things ( usually after a breakup or divorce ) And say I never really knew the person I was married to.
But How many of us really know ourselves ? How do we know what we can do if we don’t take the time to try new things ? Why do we wait until we are old…. er before we say I always wanted to try that, and when we do or say we are going to do it they tell us we are to old. I say never to old.
This is my first attempt at making a blog. I’m learning to make it as I go along. Some may not find it pretty or as good as someone else’s. That’s ok because this is mine ! I’m not in competition with anyone, That’s the best thing about FINDING ME I can go in the direction I want. You can do the same thing.
But I am enjoying learning and making it ! It may not seem like much to some, but this is a part of “FINDING ME “
I’m going to start posting some YouTube videos I’ve made of some of the things I’ve started to do. I hope they are not to boring, but they will get better as I start to explore more of what I can do and where I go and the adventures I find.
So here I am out in my Workshop.
I’m going to start a new project ! I’m going to make a 3D cheese Slicing Board.
This will be my first attempt at making anything like this. I have broken this up into a few videos so that it will not be so long and become boring. I have some other videos of making pens. I have done the same with them. There are several videos so that they are not to long but I can still explain what I am doing in them.
I hope you enjoy watching them as I go along. I will post them every other day or so. Please stop back by and watch them as I put them up. These are nothing new, there are a lot of videos out there doing the same thing.
However these are videos where I’m making these items for the first time as I’m FINDING ME.
Yes I will make mistakes but like everything else in life that’s how we learn.
I was told many years ago ” No one starts out as a professional doing anything “
You can watch the first video HERE
You can watch the second video HERE
You can watch the third video HERE
You can watch the fourth video HERE
You can watch the fifth and final video HERE